The Builder on the Lake » Nature on the Lake Fri, 29 Apr 2011 19:09:35 +0000 en hourly 1 Wood Ducks from Dump to Jump Thu, 22 Jul 2010 20:22:11 +0000 Dwight Last year I put up six wood duck boxes, and early this spring I went out to check on them, clean them out and set up a few new boxes. Wood ducks are generally shy and they usually nest in tree cavities, so I feel lucky if I get a good view of one.

In two of the existing boxes I found fresh eggs, and within weeks there were two pair of wood ducks parading past our house daily.

I thought it was very late in the season, they should be brooding by now, maybe the nest boxes are all full? That weekend I made more boxes, and put one up right in front of my house and another at my neighbors. Within a week we had a duck in our box and about two weeks later our neighbors had “tenants” as well.


The drakes hung around for a while, and the hens were very discrete. We rarely saw her enter or leave the house. One day I noticed the drake sitting on the fence, and the hen sitting on the house, just hanging out. It was kind of unusual.


After a while I noticed there was a second hen, a hooded merganser, who flew up and stuck her head in the house. Our wood duck, on the roof, forced this interloper down into the drink. Clearly the merganser was interested in taking over the nest. They jockeyed for position, up on the roof, around the water, over on the fence, the ladies doing all the negotiating, a peck or hiss now and then, with the drake just staring straight ahead.

The turf war heats up

The turf war heats up

The male jumps off the fence

The male jumps off the fence

duck-winnerFinally the wood duck hen went in the house turned right around and sat half in and half out blocking the entrance. The hooded merganser was beat, and she flew away. Seconds later the wood duck hen took off and the drake followed.

I had not checked the nest for a while, so I decided to go have a look. As I set up my ladder I bumped the duck house and a third hen came flying out of the house! Our duck was sitting on her eggs the whole time. No wonder the other hen did not stay in the house for long, she probably got a nip in the butt from the duck on the eggs!


When I opened the house there were 24 eggs, fresh and clean as any you might see at the grocery store. A typical clutch is 10-15 eggs, so we had at least two ducks “dumping” in our nest. While not ideal conditions, our hen hatched out 9 ducklings from the batch.

My neighbor’s eggs hatched about a week later. They had a dozen in the nest, and I just happened to see six fluff balls right after they jumped, following their mama on a maiden voyage toward the lily pads.


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Sammamish River 1991 Thu, 22 Jul 2010 16:33:50 +0000 Dwight This is the low flow channel July 15, 2010

This is the low flow channel July 15, 2010

[caption id="attachment_204" align="alignleft" width="824" caption="note the open low flow chanel and the mowed high flow area"]note the open low flow chanel and the mowed high flow area[/caption]


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A Look at Why Lake Sammamish is so High Tue, 29 Jun 2010 20:53:18 +0000 Dwight de>

If you’re wondering why the water level on Lake Sammamish is at an all-time high, take a look at this video. 

In it you’ll see the area around the weir that sits between Lake Sammamish and the Sammamish River.  This small area is the only outlet for Lake Sammamish.  It looks like the vegetation below the weir is backing the water up over the top of the weir and restricting the flow at the outlet. 

I have asked both King County Flood Control and the Army Corp of Engineers why the lake is so high this year; it will be interesting to see what they have to say.

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Shoreline Master Plans: The Winds of Change are Blowing Across Your Lake Thu, 17 Dec 2009 19:18:22 +0000 Dwight First, a little background on what stirred these breezes up in the first place.

Over six years ago, the State of Washington initiated a new generation of shoreline management guidelines, requiring each municipality to create a plan that balances shoreline development with ecological preservation.

As a resident of Lake Sammamish and Builder on the Lake, I have been actively involved in the City of Sammamish’s Shoreline Master Plan (SMP), and have kept my eye on the plans being developed by surrounding cities.

If you have a home on a lake, the SMPs will hit you where you live—especially if you are thinking of building a new house or remodeling your existing structure.

Each SMP has its own set of complexities that make a thorough discussion here impossible. Instead, here’s a roundup of where our local cities stand on revising their regulations; click on the links for each city to find out more detailed information.

And if you would like to discuss anything in particular with me, please call 425-868-4217 or send me an e-mail via the link above. I will update this information as developments emerge.

The City of Bellevue’s SMP will impact Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Phantom Lake, Kelsey Creek and Mercer Slough. Throughout the first half of 2010, the city will complete its Shoreline Environment Designation, Policy and Regulation Development, and a Cumulative Impacts Analysis and Restoration Plan, and then submit the new SMP to the State Department of Ecology next summer. For more information click here.

Issaquah is continuing public hearings on its SMP, and will hold the next one on January 14, 2010. Shorelines in Issaquah’s jurisdiction are Lake Sammamish, the main stem of Issaquah Creek, and East Fork Issaquah Creek. For more information click here.

On December 1 Kirkland’s City Council formally adopted its new SMP for submission to the State Department of Ecology for approval. To find out what is in the plan click here.

The City of Redmond’s SMP was put into effect in August and impacts parts of Lake Sammamish, the Sammamish River, Bear Creek and Evans Creek. You can read the plan in its entirety here.

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Swans and Snow Sun, 28 Dec 2008 23:15:37 +0000 Dwight
Dec 2008

These trumpeter swans came to visit along with the snows of December. It is unusual for them to come this far south. Last year I saw only two, and just for one day. This year we started with two pair, but after a few days we counted as many as 26 at a time. Our friends on Ames Lake have seen them and I saw 6 in flight over Bellevue near Yarrow Bay just before Christmas.

The snow made it hard for other birds to find food, and easy for us to see the brown ones against the snow. Some of the unusual shore birds we spied were the Common Snipe, with about a 3″ long bill, and many Killdeer. I was also surprised to see two Snow Geese resting on our shore at night. By daylight they were gone and I have not seen any others since. Sorry the photo is not better. This is my first photo post, so I will work on it!


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