Wood Ducks from Dump to Jump

Dwight | July 22, 2010

Last year I put up six wood duck boxes, and early this spring I went out to check on them, clean them out and set up a few new boxes. Wood ducks are generally shy and they usually nest in tree cavities, so I feel lucky if I get a good view of one. In [...]


Sammamish River 1991

Dwight | July 22, 2010

note the open low flow chanel and the mowed high flow area


A Look at Why Lake Sammamish is so High

Dwight | June 29, 2010

The water level on Lake Sammamish is at an all-time high, and the reason might be an overgrowth of vegetation at the outlet. This video gives you a view of what it looks like.


Shoreline Master Plans: The Winds of Change are Blowing Across Your Lake

Dwight | December 17, 2009

New shoreline master plans are coming to your lake–or maybe they’ve already arrived. Check here to see what’s new in the rules and regulations that impact the way you build or remodel your lakefront property.


Swans and Snow

Dwight | December 28, 2008

Dec 2008 These trumpeter swans came to visit along with the snows of December. It is unusual for them to come this far south. Last year I saw only two, and just for one day. This year we started with two pair, but after a few days we counted as many as 26 at a time. Our friends [...]
