Clean Green Electric Machine

Posted By Dwight on November 16, 2010

I think electric cars are fascinating. I love the idea of using home grown fuel to run our cars. As I understand it there is extra capacity in our generation and electrical grid to charge a bunch of cars at night. This is an efficient use of our capacity to generate and of our electrical infrastructure, and it keeps jobs and money in the good ol’ US of A. PSE gets 40% of its’ power from hydro, so no carbon footprint there. Seattle City Electric gets even more hydro. Electric engines are very efficient, most of the power goes right to the wheels. I am not a scientist, but I hear that even if you used 100% coal fired generation it would be cleaner than gas. I am sure there will be more discussion of the whole carbon footprint from mine, oil well, or power plant, but I’ll tell you this much; I would rather sit in traffic behind a no emission electric car than a dieselcity bus! And think of this; around 30% of our nuclear power plant fuel comes from reprocessed nuclear warheads. My cousin goes to Russia as part of a verification program and tells me that 15,000 Russian nukes have been decommissioned, and a similar number of ours. Now that is a great way to generate carbon free power! Check out my video here and please vote for me, I could win a Nissan Leaf. They promise not to spam you. Thanks! Here is the link:


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