Governor Gregoire and Small Business: A Positive Dialogue

Posted By Dwight on September 23, 2010

At the end of August I was invited to a Small Business Roundtable with Governor Christine Gregoire.  We had a very productive discussion about the issues builders are facing in this economic environment–and how the state can help lower some of the barriers to doing business.

This was a wonderful opportunity for me to tell the Governor how much I appreciate her hands-on approach helping Washington’s builders.  Her work on both the state and federal levels to improve the availability of capital is very important to us; so too is the delay in implementation of a costly new energy code.  I feel very fortunate to have had the chance to hear what she had to say, and add my voice to other small business owners as we looked for ways to do things better.

(Click on the letter to be able to read it more easily.)

 Letter from Governor Gregoire


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