Medina & Mercer Island SMP’s: More Winds of Change

Posted By Dwight on February 3, 2010

Shoreline Master Plan updates are just getting underway in Medina, and nearing completion on Mercer Island.  Here’s the latest information:

Last fall, Medina sent postcards to residents that asked for their input to the new plan.  Robert Grumbach, Medina’s Director of Development Services, said that the city hopes to hold its first public meeting on the new SMP in the spring, and complete the updated plan by July 2012.  The current plan can be viewed by clicking on

On Mercer Island, SMP workshops are being conducted and Planner Travis Sauders said that a revised plan will be submitted to the City Council for review this spring; it will then go on to the State Department of Ecology for its approval.  For the most up-to-date information on Mercer Island’s plan, click on

As I learn more information I’ll be sure to keep you posted.



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