2-20-09 Weekly update Sammamish SMP

Posted By Dwight on February 20, 2009

One of THE most critical phases for the group is shortly upon us. Preparing draft alternative text that projects a more user friendly tone and incorporates the input the group wishes to have considered by the council. We have asked for a clearer unambiguous draft. We will now have to get specific and put our suggestions to ink. If you have this talent please shout it out! If the task is divided enough we may be able to cover every issue, which is our goal. Please consider this!

2/17/09 City Council Study Session Summary

Updated Schedule

2/10 Study Session #1 Nonconformance
2/17 Study Session #3 Docks, Bulkheads, Buffers
3/17 Public Hearing #1 Proposed Amendments will be available prior to Public Hearing
3/23-3/27 Staff Outreach Dialog Tables with Residents & Stakeholders
4/7 Study Session #3 Subdivision, Public Access
4/14 Study Session #4 Impervious Surfaces, LID
5/5 Study Session #1 Proposed Amendments will be available prior to Public Hearing

Process and Calendar

City Manager, Ben Yazici reviewed the proposed calendar with council and there was discussion regarding providing the public sufficient time to review the proposed amendments and prepare their public comment for each public hearing.  The current proposal is to publish amendments regarding the topics covered in the first two study sessions in advance of the first public hearing.

Based on this schedule we should submit our proposed amendments to the Council for the sections regulating nonconformance, docks, bulkheads, and buffers early next week.

General Discussion

After last week’s Study Session, the council requested staff draft amendments to the nonconformance section but they did not discuss the specifics of these amendments.  The council also discussed some of the input we provided regarding the WAC requirements for nonconformance and appears to be considering eliminating the 75% criteria.  There were also general requests for more clarity and less overreaching language, and a “simple English” version of the regulation to make it easier for council, staff, and citizens to understand.

Study Session Topics

ESA Adolfsen presented information regarding the three study session topics.  The presentation followed the same format for all three topics, state guidelines and existing SMP, additional information, and then proposed SMP with examples. The presentation is available on the City’s website: http://www.ci.sammamish.wa.us/files/document/5377.pdf


The current restriction of a minimum 200 ft spacing between docks in Urban Conservancy areas is proposed to remain.  There was discussion regarding whether this would prevent a parcel from being allowed a dock (we believe in some cases this would be true) and whether that was something the Council intended.  Discussion regarding whether the regulations for docks should be the same for Sammamish vs. Pine and Beaver, including whether the 8 ft depth is appropriate for Pine/Beaver given the type of watercraft allowed on those lakes and whether any dock regulations in support of salmonids were relevant to Pine/Beaver.  One council member stated she felt the regulations regarding repair versus replace were “draconian”.  The standard for replacement is very low (anything above 10% requires conversion of the replaced area to new materials).


The big change with buffers is the building setback on Pine/Beaver is proposed to change to a buffer (buffers and setbacks have different allowed uses and regulations).  There was a suggestion to allow the same active use area within the buffers regardless of lake (the proposed draft has a smaller active use area defined for Pine/Beaver), and to make the size of the water-oriented accessory structure allowed in the buffer (150 s.f.) consistent with the accessory structure dimensions in the general Sammamish development code (which is 200 s.f.).

Shoreline Armoring (Bulkheads)

There was comparatively little information presented or discussed on this topic prior to the public comment session.  Adolfsen reviewed the State guidelines and stated that the existing regulations are generally consistent with State guidelines.

Public Comment

Nearly 20 Sammamish Homeowners participants attended this week’s Study Session and many spoke during the Public Comment portion of the study session.  Jim Creevey masterfully painted a picture of how critical docks are to lakeowners’    enjoyment of their property and the lake and his comment about requiring neighbors to share a dock is like requiring neighbors to share a driveway drove home one of his many important points.  Collectively, we covered many of the most challenging regulations related to nonconformance, docks and overwater structures, impervious surface, and shoreline armoring.

Schedule Changes:

Tue 3/17/09 6:30 pm CoS Hall Public Hearing SMP #1 Amendments
Sat 3/14/09 10-noon Station 83 SHO Meeting (public hearing issues)
Tue 3/10/09 6:30 pm CoS Hall Study Session
Sat 3/7/09 10-noon Station 83 SHO Meeting (impervious)
Thu 3/5/09 email amendments to CC
Tue 3/3/09 6:30 pm CoS Hall Regular Meeting
Sat 2/28/09 10-noon Station 83 SHO Meeting (nonconforming docks)
Wed 2/25/09 5 pm CoS Hall Waterfront to Council?
Sat 2/21/09 10-noon Station 83 SHO Meeting (definitions, bulkheads)
Next Date Time Where What http://www.ci.sammamish.wa.us/CityCouncil.aspx

All meet with all CoS Council members (starting 2-25-09 office hours Wednesday’s 5 to 6:30p)
affiliate with other HOA’s
letters to CoS Council

Beginning 2-25-09 Sammamish City Council is hoping to see you during their Office hours 5 to 6:30p every Wednesday

Today we received the text version of the current draft Samm SMP, soon maybe other Cities’?

Tasks to do prior to next council meeting:

  • draft proposed language
  • All meet with all CoS Council members
  • affiliate with other HOA’s
  • letters to CoS Council
  • letter to potential new members is on Dwight’s blog

We are staring to spend money. If we find some, we will not have to sell candy bars at the soccer game! I hope! Oh yeah we also need someone who does not like money, to watch it.


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