New SMP Draft available

Posted By Dwight on January 21, 2009

Yesterday City Staff posted the Shoreline Master Plan as recommended to the City Council. There was a meeting on January 6 where this document changed hands from the Planning Commission to the Council. You can see the plan and other documents relating to the SMP at this location:

It is also noted that DOE requires the new rules go into effect by December of this year. The City is supposed to be done writing the rules in June and then they go to DOE for approval, so they could become law well before December.

Many shoreline owners are upset about the additional restrictions that these rules place on them. If you would like to know more about what you can do or how you can be involved, please give me a call or send me an email. Now is the time to speak up and let the City Council know what you think.

Dwight K. Martin



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