Shoreline Master Plan Updates

Dwight | December 28, 2008

Shoreline plans in Washington State are being updated. Much has changed since many of these plans were first created in the 1970s. The City of Sammamish has written a new plan and the City Council will continue work on it in early 2009. After the City Council approves the plan it will go to the State [...]


Swans and Snow

Dwight | December 28, 2008

Dec 2008 These trumpeter swans came to visit along with the snows of December. It is unusual for them to come this far south. Last year I saw only two, and just for one day. This year we started with two pair, but after a few days we counted as many as 26 at a time. Our friends [...]


Greetings! My first post:

Dwight | December 11, 2008

Welcome to the Builder on the Lake.  I live on Lake Sammamish and build on and around the many wonderful lakes in King County. I do not restrict my work to only waterfront properties, but more and more that has become my focus.  Waterfront homes are special, some would say magical. Something resonates deep in the soul when I am on the lake. Be [...]
