Government & Citizens Work on Sammamish Water Level–Together

Posted By Dwight on August 20, 2010

It’s a rare and wonderful thing when concerned citizens, noted experts, and members of Federal, State and Local government sit down together and take concrete steps to fix a big problem.

Yesterday was one of those meetings.

Followers of this blog know that I’ve been actively involved in a variety of issues concerning Lake Sammamish. The high water levels that occurred earlier this summer have been a focus of my efforts.

The water was not flowing properly from the lake through the outlet at the Sammamish River, and it caused major problems for people who both live on this lake and use it for recreational purposes.

Yesterday a number of lake residents, leaders from local municipalities, officials from King County, the Army Corps of Engineers and representatives of state government sat down and had a meeting of the minds–and formulated the next steps to fix the water flow.

The work is only beginning, and we have a way to go, but we are on a positive path–thanks to all involved.

This is the way government is supposed to work!



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